As you might guess, I love all things coffee! I am a stay at home Mom who earns a little extra money as a crossing guard to pay for my latte addiction. I have been married to my husband Rusty for almost 20 years. We have 4 blessings, 1 grandblessing, with two more brewing. I love reading, journaling, days at the beach (Lake MI) camping. I love the color pink, pearls & lace and all things feminine! I am intrigued by the Amish and the pioneer days, and long for a more simple life. My passion is to inspire women to be the best Wife, Mother and Child of God that they can be. I believe that life is full of blessings if we look hard enough, even in our trials. My prayer is that through sharing my blessings and struggles and being real with you that you will find something that helps you on your journey. So, Come on in! Grab a cup of coffee or a latte and pull up a chair.

1 comment:

  1. Tammy
    I was looking through the various blogs related to planner addicts, and you keep popping up! I just read "about you" and looked over your facebook and it seems we are sisters separated!! We love all the same things!! You love the same bloggers that I do from the Proverbs 31 ministries. I feel like a gained a friend today just by asking to join your happy planner addicts group. I have been married to my husband Myk for 25 years and have two adult kids. My daughter is married and my son is 20 and still lives at home. No grandbabies yet, but hopefully soon. I love, love, love all things coffee too! Pink is my favorite color!! Funny....So nice to find someone who has so many things in common with me!


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